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Python Basics

Basic Python Commands

Output Command

print("Hello, World!")

Input Command

name = input("Enter Name")


if name == "Joe Bloggs":

print("Hello Joe Bloggs")

elif name == "Mr Smith":

print ("Hello Mr Smith")
print("you're not Joe Bloggs or Mr Smith")


"Definite" iteration refers to count controlled loops. That is loops that loop a "definite" number of times. See the example below.

for i in range (10):

print("Hello World")

"Indefinite" iteration refers to condition controlled loops. That is loops that loop an indefinite number of times until a condition is met.

name = " "

while name != "Joe Bloggs":

print("your not who we're looking for")
name = input("Enter Name")

if name == "Joe Bloggs":

print("Welcome Mr Bloggs, we've been expecting you")

Try these code examples out for yourself in the interactive development environment (IDLE) below